Creating Your Own Virtual World

Virtual World | Felize Blog

A video game is a game that takes place on an electronic device. In video games, one or more people interact with what they see on the screen through a controller. The history of video games dates back to the end of the 1940s, the appearance of the first computers gave way to the creation of games for the entertainment of people, the dissemination of video games came between the years of 1970 and 1980 with the appearance of the first videogame rooms and game consoles.

Virtual World | Felize Blog

Since that time, technological advances in the field of computer science have been used to create countless video games, of different themes and styles, although there are special games for children nowadays are developed for many age ranges; Therefore, it is one of the fastest-growing industries in recent years.

What is the process to create a video game?

The process like creating a videogame is an activity that requires knowledge in areas of programming, design, sound, and animation.

The developer must be aware of the level of their skills, it is recommended to start with something simple and build the idea from there if you do not have advanced programming skills or do not have a large budget; Programs can be used to generate video games.

The programs to create video games are many, some are free and others require a Premium license, these programs are equipped with tools that will allow you to design your own video game. Some of them are:

Software that can be used in a Windows environment, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the concepts of levels and combat design, as well as narration so that the user can balance all aspects of his game. It is a free program.

A complete tool is available for Windows and Mac OS that allows users to create 2D games, it is not necessary to know to programme. There is a light version available for free, but the full version is the most recommended, the cost can be $500.

This program to make video games is available only for Windows, it is a good quality program backed by a community of users. The test option offers basic options for those who start in the field of video games. The cost of the commercial version is around $400.

This software has been used by more than one hundred thousand developers who have published an average of ten thousand games for both Windows, Mac OS, and Linux platforms. This is a subscription program with an annual payment of $200.

This open-source software is completely free, the user can be personal or commercial, allows you to create animations style projections and also 2D side-scrolling, the program has not been updated in some time.

Virtual World | Felize Blog When you find the program in which you will develop the game, you can acquire more knowledge by watching tutorials, the Construct2 site has many video tutorials that will guide you in the initial process of creating a video game, it is also possible to acquire graphics packages, effects of sound, models, characters.

On the internet, some websites offer courses to guide all those who wish to enter the world of creating video games, these courses offer theoretical foundations for game design, basic programming knowledge for games, such as adding bookmarks, adding audios and also how to publish and share the game.

Virtual World | Felize Blog
Another step to consider in the process of creating a video game is that the games are built around characters and interactive environments, these elements are based on the distinction of the game. Most software allows you to use 2D environments and characters freely. But if you want to use your design you will need to have photo editing software such as Adobe, in particular, Photoshop. If it is not possible to purchase these programs due to cost, free tools such as GIMP can be used, this software is available for use on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. GIMP allows you to perform the same tasks as Photoshop, with the program options you can design the backgrounds, menus, characters, etc.

The creation of a game is a trial and error process, when you consider that the game is ready to be published you should know that there is a possibility that it is well received or that it is not to the liking of the market; That is why it is important to become a member of groups or forums, to know the opinions of other developers and players. The type of publication of a game is conditional on the software used for its creation, depending on the light or commercial version installed, this will be the type of file that can be exported.

Virtual World | Felize Blog
To test, the game plan can be established in which the characteristics will be evaluated and the positive and negative points of the game will be determined, after this process the necessary corrections or adjustments that adapt the game will be carried out so that it has better reception.

The test of the game can be done with a private group or at the public level, for it is necessary to contact a group of people who will review the beta version of the program, after knowing the opinions of those who reviewed the beta version, the necessary changes will be made and another beta test process will be carried out; Confirmed that the game is free of errors, the final version is launched.

The games can be distributed through specialized platforms such as Steam, which requires a payment of $100. Steam will be in charge of making the game known among the users who will vote for it. If the game attracts attention, the creator may be contacted to launch it in the store, choose the price and the profit margin.


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