7 Secrets To Live A Simple Life In A Modern World

7 Secrets To Live A Simple Life In A Modern World | Felize Blog

We saw in a world and society so frantic that we are increasingly separated from important things. Routine constantly keeps us from what we like to do and from those who love us the most, forcing us to fulfill many roles at the same time; our 24 hours a day of living is not enough. But being happy is not a difficult task as it seemed to be, let me share with you these tips to keep a simple life away from the frenzies of this century.

Positive Thinking

7 Secrets To Live A Simple Life In A Modern World | Felize Blog

The first thing to keep in mind when starting your day is that your thinking should always be positive. With so many tasks to do, it is sometimes difficult to walk with a smile to the surface, but it is not worth walking with a long face for life.

In addition, many times we think about things a lot and we end up complicating everything when intuition is always a good option to solve problems and find a way to do things that suits you best.

Happiness Cannot Be Bought

7 Secrets To Live A Simple Life In A Modern World | Felize Blog

You should always remember that money doesn't buy happiness and that having more things will not necessarily make you a better or more successful person. That is why you should avoid being seduced by the idea that "more is better" and stick with the classic “less is more”.

You should also consider that, without seeking to have more things than you need, you will have more space for yourself and look for what really makes you happy.

Not Everything Is To Consume

7 Secrets To Live A Simple Life In A Modern World | Felize Blog

Next to materialism, the other evil that comes from the hand is consumerism. Of course, if society pushes us to have more and more possessions, we have to buy them and that is to remain stuck in the same vicious circle. You should seek to focus on what you really need and what others want to make you believe you require.

Okay, there are publicists whose job is to convince you that you need their product, but you must strive to differentiate need and desire since if you let yourself be absorbed by the latter, you will put your mind and your energies in getting the fashion trend and not in your own well-being.

Follow Your Dreams

7 Secrets To Live A Simple Life In A Modern World | Felize Blog

The conformity of having a good economic pass should not blind you to what really drives you: your dreams. Saying "If I make a lot of money today, I will be able to fulfill my dreams tomorrow" is usually the phrase we use to calm down and, in a way, let ourselves be carried away by the current, but the best time to follow your dreams is HERE AND NOW.

Therefore, whenever you can, put your life back on the path to your goals, remember them every day and keep them in mind so that everything you do is in that direction. And, of course, encourage your children, younger siblings, younger cousins, and their friends, who must follow their dreams no matter how difficult the path to fulfill them is (unless they dream of destroying the galaxy, or something like that).

Your Own Approval Is The Most Important

7 Secrets To Live A Simple Life In A Modern World | Felize Blog

Many times we strive to fall well and others like our way of doing things and, without realizing it, we divert our spontaneous way of being, in order to seek the approval of the people around us. However, you must remember that there is no more important approval than what you give yourself. That the approval of others is not the axis of your day to day and that this is not the motivation of your actions. Always seek to do the things that motivate you the most in the way that pleases you most.

Organize Yourself Orderly

7 Secrets To Live A Simple Life In A Modern World | Felize Blog

Whether we want it or not, living in 2019 requires us to develop in many different areas; Therefore, keeping them all tidy will help you do everything you do in the best possible way and will clear your mind.

Imagine that your mind is like your room. If it is messy, it will cost you to move quickly in it and it will take you more time than you have the power to get from one point to another. However, if everything is ordered, you can quickly access everything and get straight to bed when the day is over. Your life works the same, if you clear it and order your ideas, you can work more quietly during the day and better appreciate the moments for yourself.

Keep It All Simple

7 Secrets To Live A Simple Life In A Modern World | Felize Blog

But, without a doubt, the secret to a calm and happy life is not a secret, because it is right in front of us. If you want a simple life, then keep it simple. Do not want more than you need and take advantage of every minute with yourself and your loved ones. Make every day worthwhile and strive to make yourself happy.

Life requires friction and, more than ever, you'll run into bad days, but don't let them knock you down. You must remember your purposes, take every stumble, learn the lesson and move on. 

In the end, keeping you happy is a task that you are primarily responsible for. Clear your mind and the road ahead will look as clear as water. Enjoy art, travel, play, make every day amazing and enjoy it.


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