The Edge Of Self-Employed
Many times our mouths are filled by talking about the advantages of working on your own, being your own boss, not depending on anyone, and being able to make our own decisions in all professional fields. But we don't always clearly identify what those advantages are.
First, it must be said that talking about the advantages of being an entrepreneur should also be linked to talking about the disadvantages or risks that this entails. But today I want to focus on the positive vision of depending professionally on ourselves, and thus being able to speak only of the associated advantages. Without prejudice, of course, allow me to mention the risks that may exist.
Obviously, we could go into a thousand and one details, in a thousand and one reasons to be entrepreneurs, but I personally believe that there are a few key factors: self-realization, quality of life and economy. And probably in that order.
The main advantage of being an entrepreneur is self-realization, satisfaction with ourselves and the freedom that gives us not to depend on anyone, and no other is for me the main asset, the main reason for not working for anyone but for oneself.

And it is that the quality of life and economic income are the logical consequence of self-realization. Obviously the very nature of self-employment allows us to improve our quality of life (we make sacrifices, but at least we make them for ourselves), and of course that usually as entrepreneurs or freelancers we earn more than wage earners (we also run greater risks), but I reiterate In this case (and it may be in a few things in life that say so) it is not just money. It is money, but we are also many who would not change our free professional career, by the attachment of a company or office easily.
1. It is the easiest, cheapest and fastest way to register a business, since it does not require a prior constitution process, requires less legal procedures, etc. In fact, there are many companies that began their journey with a person as a self-employed worker.
2. You maintain full control in business management (and Cloud Management can help a lot in this ). Colloquially speaking, we can say that " you steal it, you eat it ", for better or worse. Later we will deepen this topic.
That said, we will list your specific advantages:
You are your own boss. We are facing the most precious advantage since it implies that decisions will not be imposed beforehand. On the contrary: it will be you who set the objectives and who sets the course of your project.
You freely manage your time. Rigid, closed and monotonous schedules are typical of the salaried worker, but not of the self-employed. Working on your own you can freely prepare your calendar, set your priority hours to work and choose the best methods to manage and organize your time. This last point is really crucial, and in that sense, there are computer tools that can help you in the organization and management of tasks: the creation of invoices, sending budgets and delivery notes, control of stock and orders, etc. We recommend you take them into account to increase your productivity.
Good efforts are rewarded. Third-party work is currently inserted into a market that is sometimes quite precarious, with a tight salary and difficult working conditions. However, if you dare to work on your own, you should know that good idea, accompanied by effective and constant work, usually translate into opportunities for growth and greater benefits.
The satisfaction of working on your own project. We are, of course, faced with the least quantitative advantage, but no less important. And it is that working on vertebrates one's ideas and verifying that little by little you are reaching your goals can be sour.
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