How to Be a Real And True Fiend?
7 Virtues That We Find In A True Friend
Many times people often call "friend" anyone who does a favor or party partner but does not make a real assessment of the virtues that can have a real friend.
Once someone told me: "love you will find many, but true friends, very few" and what reason he had. Throughout our lives and in each stage we get to know thousands of people who help us grow in the labor, the spiritual and in our growth as individuals; but very few remain to be part of our present.
There are friendships with which you can share a good chat, a meal, a hobby, a meeting maybe, but not everyone can tell when you have a problem, as not everyone has the virtue of truly listening to you, or telling you what they really think.
When we talk about friendship, we usually look for people who are similar to us, beings who share qualities and defects, ways of thinking, aspirations, personal situations, etc.
The funny thing is that, even so, we do not always choose the best for us.
Therefore, I suggest qualities look for in people to consider them true friends.
True Listeners
Hearing and listening will never be the same. When you hear only sounds are perceived, instead, when you listen, you pay attention to words and even movements. When the person listens, analyze the information to be able to give your opinion when you ask for it.
Many people are considered a friend because they are together at meetings or parties; but when it comes to other situations, they move away, that is, only in the joys are they present. This is wrong, one must be a participant in their happy moments but also in their sadness and worries.
This is one of the most difficult qualities to find, because people have a hard time saying what they really think and instead of looking for a "subtle" way of saying it, they prefer to lie, and as the phrase says: "it's better to hurt with the truth, to destroy with a lie. "
Neither selfishness nor envy can fit into a friendship. There are people who call themselves "comrades", but when they have the opportunity to help you they do not, their selfishness puts them first. They do not want you to grow up or be in a better situation. The true friend is a rock that serves as support and anchor.
No person can be the same as one, simply because they are born, they grow and develop differently. But on many occasions, you have a false idea that friends should act as they are told or should think alike. It is one thing to give advice and another very different is that you have to do or think what you say, you must respect the decision you want to take.
Uncommon quality, but not impossible to find. And not only do I refer to a particular confidence, but to the fact of entrusting to another person PART OF HIS LIFE.
Know Your Weaknesses
Good friendships are the ones that are capable of getting the best out of you. From your weaknesses will draw your strengths and however clumsy or weak you feel, there will always be things that only a true friend is able to see and encourage.
There is a time when our children want to be a faithful copy of dad and mom. But in adolescence almost always the voice of friends will have much, much more weight than the opinion of parents.
For this reason, I invite you to teach your children to choose good friendships. To a large extent, their future will depend on it.
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