Ways to Eat Organic On A Budget

Ways to Eat Organic On A Budget | Felize Blog

         Organic foods are agricultural or agroindustrial products that come from organic crops; that is, those that are fertilized without pesticides and that are not genetically modified. One of the purposes is to return the nutrients it delivers to the soil, in addition to promoting a conscious, healthier and greener diet.

What Characteristics Must a Food Have to be Organic?

Ways to Eat Organic On A Budget | Felize Blog

If they are plant-based foods: plants are not sprayed with toxic pesticides and herbicides (synthetic chemicals), it is only allowed to use products of natural origin (such as tobacco leaves, chili, and garlic) to fight pests and weeds. The most important thing is that the seeds are not genetically modified organisms. Organic agriculture takes care of the nutrients of the land and operates contrary to monocultures, sowing several crops at the same time (such as indigenous people planted corn, squash, and beans since pre-Hispanic times) generating a mini living ecosystem, which attracts beneficial insects for each type of cultivation

If they are the food of animal origin: animals must be free (outside of cages), have the opportunity to see the sun, walk and be able to perform their natural behaviors, that is, they are treated with compassion until the end of their life. They must also feed on pastures and/or cereals and organic seeds. Likewise, they are not given growth hormones or antibiotics, homeopathy is usually used if necessary.

Organic foods must be certified (have the seal of approval) by an official body. Each country has its organizations and its regulations. The certifiers visit the producers and ensure that they follow the practices established by the organic law of each region.

What Benefits Does Eating This Type of Food Provide?

Ways to Eat Organic On A Budget | Felize Blog

The most important thing is that they are clean foods, which means that they do not contain all these toxic elements that harm the body. Most conventional pesticides and herbicides contain two kinds of chemicals to worry about:

  • Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): carbon compounds that accumulate in body fat and pass to the fetus through the mother's bloodstream. They travel through water and wind and remain in the environment for decades. They cause cancer and damage the nervous, reproductive and immune systems of people and animals (such as birds and fish).
  • Endocrine-disruptive chemicals (EDCs): compounds that alter the body's hormonal balance by disrupting physiological functions controlled by hormones. They cause ambiguous deformations and genitals. They directly affect the growth, development, and reproduction of the human being, putting the little ones at greater risk.

These toxic substances accumulate in the body, generate inflammation and atrophy several biological functions. The majority are carcinogenic. And the biggest problem is that we are currently exposed to them not only through food but also through beauty products, household cleaning and even the furniture we sit on. We are continuously poisoning the body.

"They are clean foods, which do not contain toxic elements that harm the body".

Why Do They Usually Say They Have More Flavor?

Ways to Eat Organic On A Budget | Felize Blog

Because they are more fresh and natural, but in reality, the taste depends on the variety of fruit or vegetable or animal product in question. There are studies that argue that the taste may be the same. However, on occasion, conventional products contain additives, preservatives and artificial colors, which effectively diminish their quality and taste. Another factor is that some genetically engineered foods have a different flavor due to this operation.

Why Are These Types of Products More Expensive?

It is true that some organic foods usually cost more than conventional foods but there are valid reasons for this.

Therefore, when you see a really cheap product it is important to stop thinking: why is it so cheap? Is it possible that it contains poor quality ingredients, that have been contaminated with lethal pesticides? Or that are full of chemicals (such as artificial colors and preservatives) harmful to the body? Perhaps they have kept the animals locked in cages without ever seeing the sun? Could it be that the people who produced it was children living in bad conditions?

      True, it sounds a bit tragic. But it does not mean that everything good has to be necessarily expensive. However, when you get the food almost given away or at super low prices, it means there are real reasons to suspect.

       Foods that come from organic agriculture and other sustainable production systems take care of the environment, human health and the well-being of the workers' community. And that has a fair value that is reflected in the price of the label. In fact, eating food free of toxic substances is not an expense but an investment in your health and that of your family. 

   However, there are actions you can take to eat healthy without overstretching your budget.

Ways to Eat Organic On A Budget | Felize Blog

The Reasons for the Price Could Be Summarized as Follows:

  • Because inputs (such as organic seeds used for livestock feed) are more expensive than conventional ones.
  • Because they may require more labor. Many organic producers use artisanal techniques that require more workers instead of machines. For example, an organic garden might require more hours to weed, instead of spraying it once with toxic spray to kill herbs.
  • Because maybe there is not enough demand for such a product.
  • Because generally, organic agriculture adheres to fair trade practices, where workers receive a fair payment for their work.
       There are people who consume organic food because they consider them healthier. Others, because they support an environmental and natural philosophy: they consider that fewer pesticides and radiation in crops and animals is not only better for the health of human beings but also for the soil and for the entire planet.

        Finally, the most important step is to eat more fruits and vegetables, whether organic or not. As for meat and dairy products, if your budget allows, opt for those products that do not have antibiotics or hormones added.


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